An information technology company was looking to host an event to reach both their current site members and potential future members. They wanted to use this event to bring awareness to their database of knowledge and to connect their sponsors with future clients, as well as to build awareness for their site membership. The event was to be live for two days, but the recordings of the presentations were to be online for a month afterward. They wanted to be able to access an international audience, make the information accessible to their wide audience, and reach even further than they already did with their vast online community. Their goal was to spread best practices to the community, introduce rapidly evolving technologies, share helpful tips, and discuss industry trends.
This event, while only live for two days, was made up of over 50 presentations, which were a mix of prerecorded and live-streamed. With so many presentations, it would be easy to get attendees interested in the event, but the company didn’t want to have the event for 24 hours a day for two consecutive days in order to get all of the presentations broadcast. They wanted to keep it to under 8 hours live a day, for two days but wanted their attendees to be able to access all the information they desired. They also wanted to make sure this would be easy to do while keeping the event free to attend.
Using’s track-based system, the company was able to schedule multiple presentations to be broadcast at the same time. The event was open for five hours a day for both days with presentations broadcast across four different tracks simultaneously. To ensure everyone saw what they were most interested in, the tracks were themed with specific attendees in mind.
If an attendee was not able to view all of the presentations, the presentations were available via the on-demand section of the event. This meant that the attendee would be able to find and able to view sessions at their leisure after the event.
This company was also able to re-use these presentations to further their goals with bi-monthly webcasts, bringing even more awareness to their knowledge database and membership, website, and services. They also used the presentations as a paid portion of their membership on the site, creating paid content from a free event.