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Presented by SSWUG.ORG/vConferenceOnline 866-444-9495 or 520-760-2400
6420 E. Broadway Blvd., Suite A300 Fax: 520-284-9595
Tucson, AZ 85710 Fed ID 86-0946205

Pro Forma Invoice for SSWUG Ultimate Virtual Conference 

Conference registration includes 6 month membership/extension to Includes *all* available transcripts, sessions, exhibits, 45 days of on-demand archives, and live chats.

Sessions are presented for three days, half a day per day. We'll repeat the sessions with an on-demand block so you can build your own schedule of the day's sessions.

We guarantee you'll get great content and help at the conference. If not, just let us know. We'll refund your money, period. It's a simple as that.

Premium Original Content _______ $49.00
High Definition DVD (Price for DVD only) _______ $199.00
Download Pass for Sessions _______ $99.00
*credit card required for processing payment, charge will be processed as Access to video training will be available immediately upon processing payment.

Requested By ___________________________________________ Date _____________________

Approved By  ___________________________________________ Date _____________________

Notes   Payment Information

  Name on card:


  Credit card number:


  Billing zip/postal code:


  Expiration date: ______/______/______ (mm/dd/yyyy)

