
Mike Yeager

Mike is currently the CEO of EPS' Houston office and a skilled .NET developer. Mike excels at evaluating business requirements and turning them into results from development teams. He's been the Project Lead on many projects at EPS and promotes the use of modern best practices such as the Agile development paradigm, use of design patterns and test-drive and test-first development. Before coming to EPS Mike was a business owner developing a high-profile software business in the leisure industry. He grew the business from 2 employees to over 30 before selling the company and looking for new challenges. Implementation experience includes: .NET, SQL Server, Windows Azure, Microsoft Surface and Visual FoxPro.

Contact Information:
·       Email: myeager@eps-software.com
·       Phone: 832-717-4445 ext.27
·       Facebook: www.Facebook.com/Mike.Yeager2
·       Twitter: Twitter.com/MikeYeager
·       LinkedIn: www.LinkedIn.com/in/MikeEYeager


Azure SQL Database Cost and Performance