
James van Bohemen

Farm Operations Manager, Landcorp’s Rangitaiki Station
James has been involved in the B+LNZ Beef Progeny Test at Rangitaiki Station since the test kicked off four years ago. He spent two years at Massey studying towards a Bachelor of Agricultural Commerce, before a stint shepherding and finding himself at Rangitaiki. James has worked his way up to operations manager, while continuing his study extramurally, as time allows. At 8500ha, Rangitaiki is an extensive operation, finishing 800 steers and 3500 bulls annually. James believes EQ is the way of the future and describes it as a shift away from “mob mentality” to “individual analysis”. Cattle are generally being finished at heavier weights and James is interested to see if the EQ premium is sufficient to cover potentially higher production costs.


Eating Quality hit rates: From dunce to dux