There is a clear line between pre-pandemic and during pandemic times with regard to video conferencing. What was used for those video calls to family members far away and a few odd meetings have become the norm rather than the exception. Video conferencing has evolved into more than just strong content. It is now more about high-quality virtual experiences.

What do you need for great virtual experiences?

There are three aspects to an exceptional virtual event: Toolset, Skillset, and Mindset.

 The importance of acquiring the skills to use the tools of a virtual platform can’t be stressed enough. With just a few tools provided by virtual platforms, you can create great virtual experiences if you know how to use them well. A simple change of event background can enhance the experience.

  • Setting up equipment, background, and tools, keeping the audience in mind, and the scale of the conference can improve the event. It includes uninterrupted internet connections and reducing the bandwidth load required to host the event. 
  • Ensuring that all systems, including audience members, are updated with the latest software versions can go a long way to fix issues before the event starts.
  • Make sure that the audience and the host are using a wired connection over a WiFi connection as there are fewer chances of interruption.
  • Recommend the use of USB headsets as they are better designed to support events and conferences. 
  • Opt for a desktop application instead of a mobile application if the mobile app is only a limited version.
  • Above all, test the tool and accessory well before the event starts to ensure that the facilitator doesn’t face glitches along the way. 


  • Knowing how to monitor the activity levels of the audience is a key skill to ensure meeting the audience’s expectations. 
  • Learning how to troubleshoot technical issues can be an essential skill, too.
  • Setting the right audience expectations aids successful virtual experiences.

Be mentally prepared to present or view from anywhere. It includes ensuring that the tools are in order, and you have a good internet connection. 

  • Reduce distractions that often occur when working from home. 
  • Let the audience manage their audio controls so that they can engage during the event. 
  • Avoid virtual fatigue by ensuring that video is not overused.

The objective is to have the audience return for more events or conferences. The only way to get them back is by providing an event that is executed with skill and expertise.