Busting myths about virtual events Before the CoVid pandemic, few organizations took advantage of virtual events. Those companies ahead of their time ended up being the titans in their industries, sometimes earning a massive ROI from their virtual events. But when
Four ways to increase your virtual event revenue Some reports note that associations make 41% of their non-dues revenue from their events. With changing attendee expectations and uncertainty around requirements and travel associations worldwide are looking for more ways to
Your event is over – now what? 3 steps you need to take after every event You’ve spent weeks, months, or maybe a year planning your event. You’ve overcome innumerable hurdles ranging from large to small. Budget. Finding a platform.
The vConferenceOnline.com Model The vConferenceOnline.com team is here to help. We are here to let you focus entirely on your event content, sponsorship, and attendance. Let us worry about the vConferenceOnline.com pieces – we’ll make sure your event comes off
Project Management, Setup and Management Assistance We’ll be there, working with you each step of the way. There are a number of details to setting up an event. It’s important to understand what has historically worked well, ideas that can