The world is coming out of the long sleep, event-wise, and starting to move in new directions when hosting conferences, trade shows, association events, and such. While people are anxious and excited to get back to “normal,” it’s also clear that “normal” doesn’t mean that things are the same as they were.
Officially, the word is that we’re moving to learning to live with Covid, not that it’s extinguished and no longer an issue. The fact is, it’s not going away, perhaps ever, and perhaps becoming another of those seasonal flu inoculations that are available for those that wish to have them.
This has real implications for the event industry, and already it’s changing how people attend or don’t attend, in-person events. Here’s a look at just some of the feedback we’re seeing from both event managers and attendees:
The biggest thing heard from attendees is a need for options. The options need to continue up to and through the event, with a preference for post-event access as well. this is precisely where a solid, experienced hybrid solution comes into play. For relatively low expenses, as an event organizer, it’s possible to eliminate possibly one of the biggest expenses and risks in the event management cycle. Refunds, credits, and cancellations.
By having a solution where the attendee makes the choice, you fulfill their desire to take in the event in the way they want. At the same time, it addresses access, content viewing and interaction, vendors, and the other aspects of the event, making it possible for the attendee to make the choices – to choose exactly how, on a moment-by-moment basis, they wish to participate.
The biggest request overall from attendees, and the best way to assure the success of the event, was to provide choice. The choice on when and how information was gathered from the event. The choice on how they interacted with vendors. The option to do so live, online live, on-demand, or any combination of these on a session-by-session, interaction-by-interaction, basis.
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