Quick note: This is part 2 of our 3-part Friday Feature series focusing on the different types of sessions supported. To see last week’s article on Simulive sessions, click here!
Conferences and events have always been based around live speakers. Many speakers thrive off of the audience’s energy, and they like the feeling of speaking to an audience. Around the world, speakers are in high demand, especially when they can hold a live audience engaged for an hour or more while delivering meaningful content.
When you had to switch to virtual conferences and events in 2020, your speakers fought against pre-recorded or simulive sessions. They wanted to emulate the energy they felt during an event, thinking pre-recorded sessions would significantly diminish their interaction with attendees.
New speakers have risen during the last two years, and most speakers have learned how to live stream. They even have their favorite tools, which may have limited your selection of virtual platforms as many opted only to allow you to use an in-house solution. It can be challenging to select a platform that is streaming service agnostic and allows for the use of any streaming software.
Let us introduce vConferenceOnline’s Live Sessions!
By using vConferenceOnline’s Live Sessions, you can:
Even better? vConferenceOnline allows your speakers to use whatever streaming platform they are the most comfortable with! While live streaming is not without its inherent risks, it can be a great way to communicate timely information with your attendees while allowing a higher level of interaction with the speakers.
Between live streaming information to your attendees and simulive sessions, vConferenceOnline can provide your content to your attendees however is best for you! While this may be one of the top things you are looking for in a virtual event, we understand that budgets are getting tighter, and teams are getting smaller. This can present a considerable barrier to hosting your virtual event or conference. With our free Fully Managed offer, vConferenceOnline will take over the build of your virtual event, allowing you more time to increase your marketing efforts, leading to more significant sponsor revenues and ticket purchases!
Why are you still using a virtual event platform that doesn’t provide you with this level of reliable service? Click below to see vConferenceOnline in action and how you can take advantage of a free Fully Managed event!
With rising interest rates, runaway inflation, skyrocketing in-person venue costs, and economic uncertainty, your event goals may appear out of reach. We’ve looked at how event organizers like you have used our platform over the past 15 years and were able to cut our prices dramatically to allow you to host the events you still need to host. Some of our prices are almost 50% off! Click below to schedule some time to get your personalized pricing and see how we can help you hit all your event goals in 2022!
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